2017 Excelsior Merit Award for Public Architecture
AIA New York StateWooster Hall / SUNY New Paltz
2012 Eco-Sensitive Architectural Award
Saudi Arabian Buildings and Infrastructure SummitMinistry of Tourism & Antiquities
2010 Design Award
Environmental Design + Construction Excellence in Design AwardsNatural Resources Defense Council Headquarters Expansion Prototype
2008 National Leadership Award / Organizational Excellence
U.S. Green Building Council For contributions to the founding of the American Institute of Architects’ Committee on the Environment2008 LEED® Gold
U.S. Green Building CouncilJohnson Hall of Science / St. Lawrence University
2008 Greater Philadelphia Sustainability Award
City of Philadelphia / Pennsylvania Environmental CouncilWillingboro Master Plan & Public Library
2007 Design Award
AIA New York StateBay Educational Center
2007 Greater Philadelphia Sustainability Award
City of Philadelphia / Pennsylvania Environmental CouncilPhiladelphia Forensic Science Center
2007 Committee on the Environment: 'Top Ten'
National AIAWillingboro Master Plan & Public Library
2006 Design and Sustainability Award
AIA New JerseyWillingboro Public Library
2006 Committee on the Environment: 'Top Ten'
National AIAPhiladelphia Forensic Science Center
2005 National Leadership Award / Education
U.S. Green Building Council“For having established the founding principals and practices
of Green Architecture in America”
2005 Committee on the Environment: 'Top Ten'
National AIARinker Hall / University of Florida
2005 Phoenix Award for Outstanding Brownfield Reclamation
Environmental Protection Agency-Region 1Bay Educational Center
2005 Environmental Quality Award for Leadership
Environmental Protection Agency – Region 2Croxton Collaborative Architects, New York, NY
2005 Design Award
AIA New York StateRinker Hall / University of Florida
2004 LEED® Gold
U.S. Green Building CouncilRinker Hall / University of Florida
2003 H. Dean Rowe, FAIA: Award for Design Excellence
AIA Tampa BayRinker Hall / University of Florida
2003 Honor Award
AIA Florida & Council for Sustainable FloridaRinker Hall / University of Florida
2003 Sustainable Design Award
Boston Society of Architects/New York AIADevelopment Resource Center
2002 Design Award
AIA TennesseeDevelopment Resource Center
2001 Annual Planning Award
Regional Planning Partnership, Princeton, NJWillingboro Town Center
2000 Interior Project of the Year
Construction Management Association of AmericaEnvironmental Defense Headquarters
1995 Architectural Achievement Award
New York Society of ArchitectsCroxton Collaborative Architects, New York, NY
1994 Albert S. Bard Award
The City Club of New YorkNational Audubon Society Headquarters
1994 Governor's Award for Energy Excellence
Office of the GovernorNational Audubon Society Headquarters
1994 Gotham Interior Design Award
Enhancing the City of New York's Quality of LifeNational Audubon Society Headquarters
1994 Victorian Society in America Award
Outstanding facade conservation / restorationNational Audubon Society Headquarters
1993 Design for Excellence
Energy Efficient Design - Southern California EdisonVerifone Headquarters
1991 National Award: Socially Conscious Design
Interiors MagazineNatural Resources Defense Council Headquarters
1991 Committee on the Environment: 'Top Ten'
National AIANatural Resources Defense Council Headquarters
1984 Honor Award for Design Excellence
National AIARJ Reynolds Headquarters